1439 Stuart Engals Blvd, Ste. 100
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM


What is a Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy In Charleston SCA Colonoscopy in Charleston, SC, is an extremely safe and effective procedure for viewing the colon and rectum’s full lining. Most important, it may be a life-saving procedure. The colonoscope is a long, thin, flexible instrument with a camera at the tip for viewing. It is introduced through the rectum and advanced until it reaches the colon’s beginning (about 4 feet). Images from the colonoscope appear on a video monitor with a high degree of detail and magnification, providing excellent visualization of the entire colon.

How It is Performed??

Our colonoscopy doctors perform a Colonoscopy under “conscious sedation.” This means the patient is given the medicine through an IV, so they are not awake, not aware, not in pain, and have no memory of the experience. Almost 100% of patients relate a positive experience with the procedure.

img-colonoscopy-twoColonoscopy is an important way to check for colon cancer and to treat colon polyps. Polyps are abnormal growths on the inside lining of the intestine; they vary in size and shape, and while most polyps are not cancerous, some may turn into cancer. However, it is impossible to tell just by looking at a polyp if it is malignant or potentially malignant.

Should I have a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is the most effective modality in colon cancer prevention.

A colonoscopy will often be recommended for patients in the following situations:

  1. Colon cancer screening test for both men and women over 50 years old with no symptoms or family history. Colonoscopy is often needed in patients younger than 50 for a family history of colon cancer or the symptoms described below.
  2. To evaluate patients with blood in the stool, dark stools, or occult blood.
  3. To evaluate patients with any significant change in bowel function (constipation, diarrhea, or change in consistency, size, and/or color of stool)
  4. To evaluate abdominal pain or weight loss.
  5. To follow up on patients with a history of colon polyps or cancer.
  6. To follow up on patients with a history of inflammatory bowel disease.
  7. To evaluate abnormalities that may have first been detected by other studies, such as an inflamed colon noted on a CT scan of the abdomen.

Why a colonoscopy and not other colon testing methods?

Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colon testing. Other options include barium enema, sigmoidoscopy, virtual colonography, and stool testing. The advantages of colonoscopy over the other modalities include:

Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colon testing. Other options include barium enema, sigmoidoscopy, virtual colonography, and stool testing. The advantages of colonoscopy over the other modalities include:

  1. A much better total visualization of the colon with a higher level of detail than other methods.
  2. The ability to treat problems simultaneously (i.e., biopsy, polyp removal, treatment of bleeding site). A finding on any other test would then require a colonoscopy for treatment.
  3. The procedure is performed under conscious sedation for maximum patient comfort.